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Lookup enrichment table data

You can use enrichment tables to lookup data in the Matano system, including in Python detections.

Using enrichment tables

You can use enrichment tables in three ways.

  • Query enrichment Iceberg tables - All enrichment tables are ingested into Apache Iceberg tables. You can directly query and join these enrichment tables during analysis and investigation.
  • Lookup in Python detections - You can use enrichment tables inside Python detections to lookup records. Read more on enrichment in Python detections.
  • Realtime data enrichment - You can use enrichment tables to enrich your data directly during the transformation step, using a special VRL function. Read more on realtime data enrichment.

Specifying lookup keys

To specify which column keys you can lookup data based on, use the lookup_keys property in your enrichment.yml. Matano supports looking up data based on multiple columns. Specify an array of column names in your enrichment.yml to enable lookup:

# enrichment/user_info/enrichment.yml

name: user_info
lookup_keys: ["user_id", "email"]

In this example, we create a user information enrichment table that allows us to lookup data both using the user_id column as well as the email column as keys.